Talking to Your Partner

2:09 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 3 Comments

If you have erectile dysfunction (ED), you may experience many emotions, including anger and resentment. While this is understandable, you shouldn't "shut out" your partner while dealing with the problem. Your partner is also affected by your condition. Not only is good communication essential to successful diagnosis and treatment, it can help your partner understand what you are going through.

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The best way to communicate with your partner is to talk openly about sex and your relationship. Try to get past the initial embarrassment and awkwardness so that you can resolve the problem.

Here are some tips to help get the conversation started.

Explain your medical condition in a clear and truthful way. Your doctor can give you literature on the condition to share with your partner.


Discuss treatment options with your partner.
Explore alternative techniques to receive sexual pleasure.
Keep the lines of communication open.
Consider couples counseling.

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Atherosclerosis and Erectile Dysfunction

1:39 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 0 Comments

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Erectile dysfunction is a widespread problem. Up to 39% of 40-year-old men report some degree of erectile dysfunction, and two-thirds of men over age 70 have significant symptoms.

Erectile dysfunction isn't life-threatening, but that doesn't mean it's not serious. Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are more likely to feel depressed and report less enjoyment in life.

High Blood Pressure Drugs and Erectile Dysfunction

To treat erectile dysfunction (ED), you first must lower your blood pressure if it's high. Some people are able to do that through lifestyle changes alone. Others need help from prescription blood pressure drugs. A problem for many men, however, is that some types of blood pressure medicines can actually cause erectile dysfunction. That may make it difficult to stay on your medication, especially if your high blood pressure never caused any symptoms before. An estimated 70% of men who have side...

Thanks to advertisements for drugs that treat it, you may have heard more about erectile dysfunction than you ever cared to. But did you know that atherosclerosis -- hardening of the arteries -- is the main cause of ED?

The link between atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction is well known to doctors. If you have ED, understanding the connection might just save your life.

Atherosclerosis and Erectile Dysfunction: Slowing the Rush

The blood supply to the penis comes from arteries in the abdomen (belly). Smaller arteries branch off to carry blood down into the penis. When it's time for an erection, these arteries dilate. More blood flows into the penis, causing it to swell.

The rush of blood creates high pressure in the penis that also slows down the flow of blood out of the penis. This produces a firm erection that can be maintained until orgasm -- if the blood vessels are healthy.

Atherosclerosis and Erectile Dysfunction: Dam Blockages?


To get and maintain an erection, blood vessels in the penis have to be robust, to rapidly increase blood flow. Erectile dysfunction usually means blood vessels everywhere aren't in perfect health. This can be a signal of increased risk, long before blockages from atherosclerosis form.

To understand what goes wrong, think of blood flow as a river over a dam. Engineers control the flow: they can increase flow to make rapids, or narrow it to a trickling stream.

A similar mechanism is at work in your arteries. In your penis, blood flow needs to open wide during sexual arousal. Likewise, you need wide open blood flow to your heart's arteries during exercise. The inside lining of blood vessels (endothelium) releases chemicals on demand to accomplish this.

The endothelium can be damaged by high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, or diabetes. They also cause atherosclerosis.

Once damaged, the endothelium can't expand arteries to increase blood flow as well. Less blood flow into the penis means a less firm erection.

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Erectile Dysfunction

4:47 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 0 Comments

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Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, involves not being able to achieve or maintain enough of an erection to have sex. This is more than just a quality of life issue, though.
To sustain an erection, the penis needs good blood flow. Erectile dysfunction, therefore, “can be the first sign of significant cardiac or vascular disease,” says some experts.
According to experts studies have shown that the majority of men seen in the emergency room for a cardiac event—such a heart attack or stroke—suffered from erectile dysfunction three to five years earlier.
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Treatment for erectile dysfunction involves first determining the underlying cause. This includes dealing with obesity, smoking, cholesterol, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

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Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome

Testosterone deficiency syndrome, or hypogonadism, can affect not only your sexual performance, but also your bone health, energy level, muscle strength, and mood.

If you are having difficulty achieving or maintaining erections, your doctor may also order a simple morning blood test to rule out low testosterone as the underlying cause.

Testosterone replacement therapy such as with a gel can help alleviate symptoms. Regular follow-up, though, is needed to ensure that you reach a reasonable range of testosterone, not an NFL kind of level.

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How to Stop Erectile Dysfunction with Prolargent 5x5 Extreme

11:26 PM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Likewise, stress and mental health problems can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. Sometimes a combination of physical and psychological issues causes erectile dysfunction. For instance, a minor physical problem that slows your sexual response may cause anxiety about maintaining an erection. The resulting anxiety can lead to or worsen erectile dysfunction.

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Common Causes Include:

Heart disease
Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Metabolic syndrome, a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Low testosterone
Peyronie's disease, development of scar tissue inside the penis
Certain prescription medications
Tobacco use
Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord


Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction 

The brain plays a key role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual excitement. A number of things can interfere with sexual feelings and cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. These include:
Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions
Relationship problems due to stress, poor communication or other concerns

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What Tests May Be Done?

1:05 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 1 Comments

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Depending on your symptoms, likely cause of the ED, age, etc, your doctor may suggest that you have some tests. These are mainly to check up on any risk factors listed above which increase the risk of developing narrowing of the arteries. Tests may include:
prolargent 5x5 extreme·         A blood test to check the level of cholesterol and other fats (lipids).
·         Blood sugar level.
·         Blood tests to rule out kidney and liver disease.
·         A urine test.
·         A check of your blood pressure.
·         A heart tracing (ECG).
·         Other heart tests which are sometimes done, where appropriate, if heart disease is suspected.
If you have a low sex drive, or if you have had a previous head injury, ED may be due to a hormonal problem. In this situation a blood test to check the level of the hormone testosterone (and sometimes prolactin ) may be advised.
In a small number of cases, tests to check the way the blood circulates through the penis, using scans or drug injections, may be done in hospital clinics.

What are the treatment options?

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A referral to a specialist is sometimes needed for assessment and treatment. However, GPs are now treating more cases of ED than previously, as the treatment options have improved in recent years. Your GP is more likely to suggest referral if you have been found to have an hormonal problem, if the cause is related to another condition like circulatory problems, or if you are young and the condition started after an injury.
The following gives a brief summary of treatment options. There is a good chance of success with treatment. There are pros and cons of each treatment, and your doctor will advise further.

Have you considered your other medication?

As mentioned, some medicines can cause ED. Check the leaflet that comes with any medication that you take to see if ED is a possible side-effect. Do not stop any prescribed medication, but see your doctor if you suspect this as the cause. A switch to a different medicine may be possible, depending on what the medicine is for.

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