Prolargent 5x5 Extreme - penisforstørrelse

4:01 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 0 Comments

Det er utroligt, så godt produktet virker. Siden jeg begyndte at tage Prolargent 5x5 Extreme, har jeg fået meget nemmere ved at få rejsning (farvel til mine potensproblemer!). Det har bare givet mig en helt anden selvtillid, og jeg anbefaler det til alle mænd.
Thomas C., Australien

Det her virker bare! Jeg har taget dem et stykke tid, og de giver mig en hårdere erektion og meget bedre orgasmer. Jeg holder længere og Prolargent 5x5 holder, hvad det lover. Ikke alene indeholder produktet naturlige ingredienser – det har også højere doser af dem end i andre tilsvarende produkter. Firmaet bag har lagt ingredienserne frit frem – det gør det til et meget ærligt og troværdigt produkt.
Gerry K., USA

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Det bedste ved Prolargent 5x5 Extreme er, at jeg nemmere får en hårdere erektion. Jeg er meget tilfreds med de næsten øjeblikkelige resultater, og der er ingen bivirkninger som fx hovedpine. Det hele er baseret på urter og virker meget effektivt.
James T., USA

Min erektion kommer nemmere, og den er meget hård. Min kone er super glad for det, og vi har sex om morgenen igen. Det hele er lavet af naturlige ingredienser, og effekten holder sig i tre dage uden bivirkninger. Det er jeg meget glad for.
Bill U., Canada

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Jeg har ledt efter et produkt, der kunne give mig en hårdere rejsning. Ind imellem – og efter et par drinks – virkede ”tingene” ikke altid, som de skulle. Slet ikke som da jeg var ung! Med Prolargent 5x5 Extreme er det hele ændret, og nu har jeg en rejsning af stål!
James H., USA

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Med Prolargent 5x5 Extreme får jeg mere energi, og jeg kan meget længere. Det har helt klart sat gang i min libido!
Arthur A., USA

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme


Increasing Male Libido

4:12 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 5 Comments

Talk a little
We do not mean just pillow talk. Keeping the lines of communication open between you and your partner at any time can be a powerful aphrodisiac. Intimacy is not only about what happens between the sheets. It is to understand also to each other, moods, desires and preferences. When in sync with your partner? Now that's sexy. And it's never too late to start.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Fill up on these fruits
Healthy food generally keep your body work better, what works well, keeps your sex life. But some foods seem to give a little more excitement to your love life. Eat more bananas. They contain bromelain, an enzyme thought to increase the male libido. And they are surprisingly low in fat.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Try Prolargent 5x5 Extreme
When scientists a group of studies reviewed that looked at the sexual healing powers of various foods, plants and herbs, ginseng demonstrated some real potential. Red Ginseng contains little compounds called ginsenosides that helps men with arousal. Prolargent 5x5 Extreme contains red ginseng and other efective libido boosting herbs to make you ready for sex when you want.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Do not hold the TV on

Now that you know how to make things a little steamier in the bedroom, it is good to know what easily can put kibosh on getting hot and heavy. Turn on the TV to start. TV display is associated with an increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction. Press the power button.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme


Interesting Facts about Sex Life

5:46 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 5 Comments

1. While many know that chocolate is an excellent excitation for sex, apparently, the smell of pumpkin help to increase blood flow into the penis to promote erections.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

2. At the point of orgasm, both men and women tend to have a heart rate of about 140. This is no too much, but occurs only common cardiovascular zone.

3. Among men under 40, their average time to erection is only ten seconds. For some, it is shorter, and if it is much longer than 10 seconds, it may be a sign of erectile dysfunction. Then, you may need Prolargent 5x5 Extreme.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

4. Masturbation is known to help cure depression as the release of emotions and hormones when orgasm is reached to calm your mind, and make you feel more comfortable with their own bodies.

5. To know how much testosterone a man has, compare the length of his ring finger to his index finger. The longer the ring finger compared to the index finger, the more testosterone in his body.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

6. We all know that you need to be in good health to have great sex, but studies show that lower cholesterol is directly related to better performance in the bedroom.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme


Myths about Erectile Dysfunction

5:39 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments

1. Erectile dysfunction is part of the normal aging process.
Erectile dysfunction is not normal, and even more than that, it could suggest serious underlying medical concerns. ED has a strong association with cardiovascular disease. A recent study found that ED patient may precede myocardial infarction by five years - so it is checked out look and receive a possible warning sign. Diabetes and hypertension have also been linked ED connected.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

2. You are the only person suffering from it.
ED is more common than people realize. According to the National Institutes of Health, about 5 percent of men aged 40 years and between 15 percent and 25 percent of men at age 65 experience ED on a long term basis.

3. Once it is started, you can not undo it.
With tailor-made medical treatments, there is a return of the function certainly in many cases. Improving the health of the heart by losing weight, exercising more and quitting smoking improve erectile capacity, and generally to improve overall health. Sex Therapy Counseling can also help if the underlying cause is pyschological.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

4. It's all in your head.
Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem cause. Stress and mental health conditions may cause erectile dysfunction. For most men, there is an underlying physiological cause for their ED. These include heart disease, clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, obesity, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, certain prescription drugs, tobacco use, alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse, sleep disorders and more.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

5. Natural Pills do not work.

The commonly prescribed ED drugs do not work for everyone, and sometimes only work for a while. This is a complete lie. You should take care of the ingredients while looking for possible pill treatments. It is better if you choose a natural and effective one like Prolargent 5x5 Extreme

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme



Last Longer Sex Positions

5:32 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments

1. Lady On Top
Woman on top positions allow the woman to control the pace, pressure and depth of the sexual experience. By paying attention as the male partner is responding to the stimulation she can slow down or grind rather than pushing to extend the experience.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

2. Perpendicular
In this position, the man uses the topside of his penis but to rub against the clitoris. Think of it as with the penis as sex toys! This is a great position to last longer because the top of the penis contains significantly fewer nerve endings than the bottom.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

3. Spooning
Lie point behind your partner, in the same direction. Lying slightly below your partner enter from this position.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

4. C.A.T. (Coital Alignment Technique)

This is a variation of a position, which you probably know very well, the missionary position. "Start in the Missionary and lightky lower your body down to your partner's. Prop her hips to give you even more Contact Now push your body forward toward the head and back.. - it is a swing position rather than bumping. Feel free to move in more than one direction, but concentrate on maintaining contact between your body.

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Feel free in every position with Prolargent 5x5 Extreme!

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme


Prolargent 5x5 Extreme

5:19 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 0 Comments

Vi har brugt mange år på forskning og udvikling, og derfor kan vi nu tilbyde et 100 procent sikkert og naturligt produkt, der kan afhjælpe problemer med potensen og sexlysten, som er blevet et af de mest almindelige problemer for moderne, travle mænd. Pro-Largent -5x5 EXTREME fjerner en lang række problemer ”på lagenet”, - forestil dig blot at kunne slappe af og vide, at du kan, når du har lyst…!

Har du oplevet problemer i sengen? Kunne du godt tænke dig en stenhård rejsning? Så er Prolargent 5x5 Extreme det, du har ledt efter.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme


Stærkere og hårdere erektion.
Ikke flere rejsningsproblemer.
Virker mod for tidlig sædafgang.
Fremstillet af naturlige ingredienser.
Endnu bedre klimaks og ingen bivirkninger.
Sætter fart på din potens og fertilitet.
Højere sædkvalitet og øget produktion.
Øget selvtillid – og bedre sex.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Undgå at skulle til lægen

Du slipper for den pinlige snak med din læge om et meget personligt problem. Millioner af mænd tager hver dag piller mod manglende rejsning. Uanset alder får du med Prolargent 5x5 Extreme et boost i dit sexdrive, og én kapsel virker i op til tre dage. 


Calorie Burning Sex Positions

5:45 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 0 Comments

Weak glutes caused back problems, hip disorders and knee injuries. Worse, they cause very little convincing relapses during DoggystyleInstead, add a few additional sets to your bedroom to build glutes of steel.

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Tips: Speed ​​up the pace for some high intensity interval training or a steady pace for some cardio work maintain that beats the hell out of each treadmill or bicycle.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Want bigger arms? With the "Stand and Carry On" position, a woman wraps her arms around you while you support her lower body with the arms. You will also get some additional grip work by holding onto a moving object. 

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

In this position the girl lying face down and lifts her hips slightly as you enter from the back. Imagine a kneeling push with hip thrusts - that's a bit what you're doing.
This step will target your chest, arms, hips and core. Also, because it is isometricand effort, you will burn a lot of calories.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme


While sitting with crossed legged,have your partner straddle with you while overlooking. Now we are talking about improving the lower back endurance, core strength and hip power, as you try to generate power from a tough position. Add that with a dynamic object, and we have the makings of a great calorie burning exercise.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Try these positions with Prolargent 5x5 Extreme to last longer in bed!


Sex in Different Places

4:52 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments

In a parked car
If you want to minimize the risk of being caught, but are still somewhat interested in having sex with someone, think of having sex in a car garage. Many people love having sex in this way, because it adds a voyeurism aspect to the matter. A car garage has the right balance between public and private, so it is an ideal place to go for the first public sex encounter.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

In your apartment or hotel with the windows open
While it is not a public sex that is done at your home, it is. What can be hot about opening a window or having sex against the window is your level of comfort. Both of you will feel more comfortable, and more passionate with the feeling of being watched. There are also quite sexy about not knowing anything who saw you, or how long they watched.

premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

In a private restaurant or bar bathroom
Avoid these multi-stall situations when you want to have sex at your favorite restaurant or bar and make sure to go on an off night, where it is not as busy. The key to success of this public sex experience is coming prepared - they must be in a position easy to assemble, and you need to be in a not-always-sanitary situation comfortably seated. Keep your noise at bay, if you do not want the bartender cutting your tab off early.

premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

In the cinema

As a private toilet, the trick is to make this rendezvous to go exciting and successful during a random time when not many people are not in the cinema or teather. It is also important that you choose a loud film- think action and adventure. 

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Whereever you are, do it with Prolargent 5x5 Extreme for long and lastful intercourse!


Arrêtez les problèmes d'érection

4:54 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 1 Comments

Notre société a passé des nombreuses années en recherche et développement et ce produit en est le résultat direct. Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre produit 100% naturel, qui augmente vos performances sexuelles. Ici, vous pouvez avoir la solution avec " Prolargent 5x5 Extreme, le produit qui vous aide à vous débarrasser de n'importe quel de ces types d'insatisfaction au lit.
Imaginez l'impact sur votre confiance que cela peut avoir dans vos relations intimes!

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Ses bienfaits:   
** Vous sentirez l'effet en seulement 45 minutes après la prise
** Érections plus fortes et plus dures.
** Elimine les dysfonctions érectiles.
** Composition d'ingrédients naturels.
** Paroxysme satisfaisante et sans effets secondaires du tout.
** Renforce la puissance et de la fertilité.
** Sperme supérieur / qualité et la production de sperme
** Amélioration de la confiance – permet de profiter de meilleures relations sexuelles et une meilleure image de soi.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Aucune prescription requise
Pas de rendez-vous embarrassant chez le docteur pour discuter de votre vie personnelle. Des millions d'hommes utilisent les pilules amélioration de la performance chaque jour, peu importe votre âge, de 18 à 80 obtenez un coup de pouce dans votre vie avec une seule capsule.
Prolargent 5x5 Extreme augmentera votre circulation sanguine et donc peut considérablement à avoir des rapports sexuels époustouflants plus longs, plus durs!
Les ingrédients actifs Prolargent 5x5 Extreme ont été choisi pour améliorer la libido des hommes, la fonction sexuelle et pour maintenir les niveaux de testostérone en bonne santé. Prolargent 5x5 assure que vous êtes toujours prêt à effectuer!


Sex Products That You Should Keep in Hand

4:40 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments

1. Lubricant
Smooth, slippery goodness awaits you when using lubrication. She glides, coats and ease the way. Water-based lubricants work well, especially if you use condoms. Oil-based lubes tend to damage the very barrier in place to protect both. So choose the very gentle, non-burning and Slick choice.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

2. Massage Oil
Everything concerning the glistening, slippery skin is conducive to good sexual romp - should be at least. Massages are a great form of foreplay. It relaxes the muscles, relaxes the body and the mind, and puts them in a sensual haze. It also provides an ideal opportunity to "innocent" reasons to strip her clothes off. Good oils have a fresh, light scent. Consider any allergies (their and your own) When fragrance oil picking.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Like scarves, ties can be used to bind, play together blindfolded and magnificently. Something naughty and a little confused, the everyday items could have her get used to the concept of a little light bondage. So make sure that the equipment for herdelicate skin is not too harsh.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

4. Towels

This is a very practical addition to your bedroom antics. Something soft and fluffy is in any kind of cleanup after the penetration. Hot and sweaty sex calls for a little action to wipe sweat or other fluids left after a wild sexual romp.

5. Prolargent 5x5 Extreme
It is a very effective and a handy sex enhancer to increase the power and desire that is needed to create. When you are intend to have sex, just drink it with a glass of water and after 45 minutes, you will have difficulty to believe what you see. So, you have enough time to orgasm her. Just pleasure!


1 en ventas de Cápsulas para el Rendimiento Masculino

4:31 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 0 Comments

Prolargent 5x5 Extreme esta hecho a base de hierbas naturales que ayuda a los hombres a tener una actividad sexual mas sana y excitante. Este producto esta comprobado que ayuda en la frecuencia e intensidad del orgasmo masculino. Este producto también ayuda a los hombres a tener control sobre los problemas de eyaculación precoz. También ha sido comprobado que ayuda a reducir el estrés emocional de las relaciones sexuales y así dando lugar a experiencias sexuales mas felices y mas eficientes.

premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Del estrés a mantenerse sano, una buena vida sexual es importante para su felicidad general y satisfacción es su vida. Si tiene problemas con Disfunción Eréctil - o tiene eyaculación precoz - puede impactar negativamente en su vida de una manera dramática. En el pasado esto ha llevado a depresión ya que no había nada que pudiera realmente ayudar. Hoy, de cualquier manera, la ciencia moderna ha intervenido y nos ha dado opciones naturales para el mejoramiento masculino.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Este no es solo otro producto de mejoramiento… Es un sistema total que usa ingredientes y técnicas comprobadas, un ‘sistema’ comprobado para mejorar su  posesión sexual mas importante.

 premature ejaculation 5x5 extreme

Los ingredientes activos de Prolargent 5x5 Extreme han mostrado que mejoran el libido masculino, funciones sexuales y un mantenimiento sano de niveles de testosterona.  Prolargent 5x5 Extreme le asegura que este siempre listo para rendir!!!