Enhance Your Sex Drive

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Libido is a complex issue. Desire is not only generated by the excitement and feelings that you get when you sentence somebody, but it is also a matter of physiological processes that are essential for that desire to be transformed into really want to have sex. Surveys show that nearly a third of women never reach orgasm and a fifth are not enjoying their sex life. And although many men suffer from erectile dysfunction, find much more their libido is low in the first place.

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Every system of the body suffers when fed sub-optimal. Optimal nutrition not only helps to maintain your sexual performance and enjoyment it can also help alleviate many sexual problems. 
There is nothing more than a fear of failing to "perform" to put a man off sex. Like most types of sexual problems, the inability to whether an erection can be caused by both psychological and physical factors. Physical problems may be due to side effects of drugs (for example beta blockers, anti-depressants), atherosclerosis (clogging of the artery to the penis), diabetes, nerve damage (e.g., in multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury), but also because of the low testosterone.

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A substance called nitric oxide (NO) is responsible for controlling the physiological conditions to generate and maintain an erection such as increasing blood flow to the penis, and limitation of their blood flow. NO molecules are produced in the penis artery wall from the amino acid arginine in response to signals stimulated by nervous sexual stimulation.NO then activates the dilation of blood vessels, blood flow to the penis. Blood flow is also of vital importance for the sensitivity of a woman. Addition of the amino acid arginine (in nuts and seeds such as almonds, Brazil nuts, pumpkin and sunflower) from which nitric oxide is made, can help.

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 Prolargent 5x5 Extreme enhances sex drive and make bedtime or any time more alluring!

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