Take Strong Steps To Stronger Erections
7:24 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments
Morning Sex
1:52 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments
Besides you can have 2 products for 1 product price now!
Weird Facts About Penis-II
7:21 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments
Now you can have 2 products for 1 product price!
Weird Facts About Penis
7:28 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 3 Comments
The word "phallus" is sometimes used to mean "penis", but traditionally it is used to describe penis images or symbols.
Alternative words for "penis" include Adolph, anaconda, baby-maker, baloney pony, bell on a pole, Hahn, chopper, cum gun, deep V divers, thick, ding-a-ling, Disco Stick, Excalibur, fuck pole, jimmy, joystick, love muscles, meat stick, pink cigar, pork sword, pierce, skin flute, spit stick, third leg, trouser snake, wang, wick, courtyard, and many more.
The blue whale has the largest penis of any animal, generally measure 8-10 long with a total of 12 to 14 inches feet. His balls weigh between 100 to 150 pounds and can ejaculate more than 35 pints.
Even if an adult chimpanzee is much smaller than an adult gorilla, has a penis about twice as the gorilla. One adult gorillas penis is about 1.5 inches (4 cm) lengths
The human penis is larger than that of any other primate, both in terms of the percentage of body size and absolutely terms.
Domestic cats have barbed penises. They have about 120 to 150 millimeter long spines which point backwards. When the penis stretches from the cat, the spines rake along the vagina, triggering ovulation.
Male dogs are the only animals that have a barrier bulb glandis at the base of the penis. When the penis completely in the female, the glandis is filled with blood. If the vagina of the female orders, the penis inside the female, the disabled as a "binding" or known "knotting".
Doctors can use the foreskin circumcised infants to grow skin for burn victims. Just a foreskin create 23,000 square skin.
A hard-shelled sea creature named Colymbosathon ecplecticos is the oldest known species with a penis. Its name means "amazing swimmer with large penis" in Greek.
Only one man in 400 is flexible enough to give himself oral sex.
Christmas Campaign
1:20 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 3 Comments
Sex Life Tips
1:14 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments
The Eternal Quest: Erection
7:51 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments
- One of the keys to a healthy erection is of course a healthy diet. You do not want to charge heavy foods or hard to digest meals if you know an intimate moment in your near future. In general, you are looking for the same thing that are good for your heart; many healthy fat, low-cholesterol foods and which are part of the Mediterranean diet.
- You may improve in the correct position to maximize the size of your erection. Take advantage of the gravity here; a man on top of or can help increase blood flow, which leads to better erections. You can try positioning your girlfriend at the end of the bed with her legs hanging over, allowing you to stand when you enter her.
- Stress is a big no-no if you want to get lucky. Studies have shown that high levels of anxiety and stress at work can be a huge damper on your hard-on. Because stress can lead to higher blood pressure and cholesterol - which in turn can lead to heart disease.
- This boner killer will surprise you. Turns out the warmth of your computer (if you keep it on your lap) could cause damage not only your sperm but your erections as well. So put the laptop on a desk and keep reading.
Effective Techniques For Premature Ejaculation
2:18 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 5 Comments
The Stop-and-Start Method
The Squeeze Method
Deep Breathing
Tantric Techniques
Condoms With Benzocaine
Stimulating All Five Senses
7:28 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments
Show and Tell
The Nose Knows
Timeless Taste
Tempted to Touch
Common Causes of Impotence
7:29 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments
Endocrine Diseases
Neurological and Nerve Disorders
Lifestyle Factors and Emotional Disorders
How to Have Dirtier Sex
3:57 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 4 Comments
The Talk
The Preparation
The Details
Sex Positions Everyone Should Try
7:38 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 3 Comments
Better Sex As You Age
7:25 AM Prolargent 5x5 Extreme 2 Comments
- Sex can improve mental and physical health. Sex can burn fat, cause the brain to release endorphins, and drastically reduce anxiety.
- Sex increases lifetime. Through its health-improving benefits, a good sex life can add years to your life.
- Sex intensifies relationships. Sex is a chance to express the closeness of your deepest relationship.
- Sex gives you a chance to escape from the harsh realities of the world sometimes.
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Blog Archive
- All That She Wants
- Take Strong Steps To Stronger Erections
- Morning Sex
- Weird Facts About Penis-II
- Weird Facts About Penis
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- Sex Life Tips
- The Eternal Quest: Erection
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